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Theresa Keresztes

284|Theresa Keresztes: My Girls Skin Care 

My diagnosis could be a death sentence, but you know what?   I just keep moving forward every day because I want to give others hope. -Theresa Keresztes 

There’s something about the strength of a woman.  Somehow, someway, she persists…overcoming obstacles, finding new paths toward success, and doing good in the world. One of the scariest 

things we ever encounter in this life is a cancer diagnosis, and over the last few weeks, we’ve been saluting breast cancer survivors.  Theresa Keresztes was just 40 years old when she felt a lump on her breast.  The new mom went to the doctor and was told to come back in 6 months.  She never did.  Years later, a mammogram detected breast cancer.  Since then, her cancer has recurred and spread to other parts of her body, but her story does not focus on her breast cancer…it focuses on what she has done for other women with the creation of My Girl’s Skin Care,   Inspired by a visit to Eastern Europe, where she noticed that women’s skin was flawless, this all-natural skincare brand is dedicated to providing chemical-free comfort to cancer patients during

chemo, radiation, and when taking post-breast cancer drugs, which can cause debilitating muscle cramps.  Cancer centers across the country are catching on, suggesting that their patients use 

My Girl’s Skin Care products.  From researching ingredients found in Hungary at local apothecaries (rose hips and rose peddles) to locating manufacturers and developing a distribution plan, Theresa is an entrepreneur on a mission to help women heal.  Her new app “Copeful” is Theresa’s latest invention, providing a forum that encourages hope and positivity.  For a 22-minute tutorial on strength and courage during cancer, just hit that download button.  #breastcancer #survivor #entrepreneur #skincare  

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