187 | Tamara Chang, MD. Interview
There absolutely still exists the “maternal wall bias” in the medical culture. It’s implicit, not overt, but it happens, every single day. - Tamara Chang, MD.
According to the Association of American Medical Colleges, female doctors are 40% more likely to leave medicine completely or go to part-time practice within 6 years of completing their residencies. In this episode, we’re zooming with Pediatric Hematology & Oncology physician Tamara Chang who explains why this is happening and what she is doing about it. The
co-founder of www.pinkcoatmd.com and co-author of How to Thrive As a Woman Physician, Tammie attended Brown University for her undergraduate and medical degrees. Now practicing in Tacoma, Washington, she is a tireless advocate for the needs of female physicians who often stretch themselves very thin as they try to juggle their responsibilities to their families, along with the needs of their patients. A first generation American, Tammie’s parents came to the United States from Taiwan, filling her up with the importance of education. As the daughter of an opera singer and a physician, Tammie admits she can’t remember a time when she hasn’t been driven to achieve. Her advice to young docs, including the importance of putting your oxygen mask on first before caring for others, combined with stories of her early life as a concert pianist make this an episode worthy of your download! www.tammiechangmd.com

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