045 |Roseann Sdoia-Materia - Podcast Interview
This story is perfect to post for Thanksgiving because it is about courage, hope, patriotism and the healing power of love. Boston Marathon Bombing survivor Roseann Sdoia is the author of the new book Perfect Strangers which chronicles four people whose lives intersected the moment the second bomb went off in front of the Forum Restaurant at the 2013 Boston Marathon finish line. Roseann would lose most of her leg that day. She recalls her experience in stunning detail including what it was like to lose a limb and her refusal to use a wheelchair. Make no mistake about it: Roseann's recovery was hard work. You'll hear about the college student who ran to her side to apply a tourniquet to her leg, the female police officer who hailed the ambulance, and the big, tall firefighter who lifted her into the ambulance and held her hand all the way to Mass General. The bond these perfect strangers created on that terrible day can never be broken. Spoiler Alert: Roseann marries one of them. Get a box of kleenex for this interview. You're gonna need it.
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