225 | Rosa Hu: Creator & Designer, House of Who
Style is your aura. It’s your energy. - Rosa Hu
In the spotlight, creator & designer Rosa Hu. Born in New York City and raised in Southern California, Rosa’s parents escaped communist China and settled in Taiwan. When it was time to go to college, the two came to the United States and never left. As a child, Rosa was obsessed with style and never wanted to do anything but fashion. Armed with a degree from the Fashion Institute of Design & Marketing, she started a career at 19, working her way up the ladder as an assistant to designers at big clothing manufacturers. By the time she was in her mid-twenties, Rosa was burned out and her dream of being in fashion was fading fast. Enter the legendary Trina Turk www.trinaturk.com who mentored Rosa and suggested she work for her evolving brand on a freelance basis. Says Rosa: “I learned early in my career that it is not how much money you have in the bank, it is how happy you are, doing what you love.” Now the designer of her own line called House of Who, (follow her on IG @House_of_Who) Rosa creates mystical adornments for the body, soul, and space. Her success story includes the lessons she has learned as a Chinese-American woman who was determined to forge her own path in a culture that is often driven to the point of exhaustion. The owner of two mid-century modern units at the legendary Ocotillo Lodge in Palm Springs, Rosa is proud to open the doors of her brilliantly bohemian bungalows during Mid-Century Modern Week. In this interview, she passes on lots of wisdom including: “Don’t ever think you can’t do anything for any reason. Not for being a minority. Not for being a woman. Never let anything stop you. Ever." #fashion #trinaturk #palmsprings #midcenturymodernweek #ocatillolodge

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