169| "Molly" the Army Wife Podcast Interview
No matter what your politics are, there is a gigantic humanitarian crisis going on right now in Afghanistan. When the last plane left Kabul on August 31, 2021, thousands of people including Americans and Afghan interpreters and their families were left behind. Many news outlets are ignoring this story, but the truth is that acts of violence are being perpetrated by the Taliban as you are reading these show notes. Enter,“Molly”… that’s not her real name. She is an Army wife who needs to remain anonymous. Molly is working together with other military spouses to create an underground, long-distance life line for our allies in Afghanistan. The Taliban will show no mercy toward Afghans who served as interpreters during the 20 year war, and service members who worked alongside these men are determined to honor their code of honor to leave no one behind. In this interview, Molly describes what she has experienced trying to save lives behind enemy lines, including stories about what is happening to women and girls under Taliban rule. www.evacuateourallies.org and www.nooneleft.org. #AfghanEvac

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