244 | Maureen Weisner: Co-Founder of KICKSTART Your Transition, kickstartyourtransition.com
Sometimes the door you’re trying to push or kick open isn’t the door that’s designed for you. Maureen Weisner
If your career needs an adjustment, I’ve got just the woman for you! Meet Maureen Weisner, co-founder and managing partner of KICKSTART Your Transition www.kickstartyourtransition.com. A wife and mother of grown children, Maureen has been flexing her teaching muscles for a lifetime, helping women and men understand that “sometimes, the job you want is not available, so you pivot and what you learn from that experience is that what you thought was your singular goal in that environment just isn’t. Raised in a gigantic coop in Queens, New York with 700+ families and 1700+ children, Maureen was an only child whose mother died when she was only 11. Raised by her father who worked long hours at the post office, Maureen was self-guided and learned resiliency early in life. In this interview, she recalls being watched over by the other moms in her complex, with a profound sense that she would excel in school and accomplish great things. Recognized as a Top 10 Executive Coach by Women’s Business Boston, Maureen is an in-demand seminar leader, speaker, and author who practices what she preaches. “You are a product of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Make sure they are all achievers who also support your goals.” Citing research from the University of London that shows it takes 66 days to create change, Coach Maureen suggests you take that first big step today: “Get up. Get dressed. Get out.” For 21 minutes that will leave you firing on all cylinders, just hit that download button. #executivecoach #womeninbusiness #careerchange

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