073|Liz Powers - Podcast Interview
One of her artists paints on canvas, using only the wheels of his wheelchair. Another just had one of his creations licensed to Starbucks. Meet Liz Powers, co-founder & Chief Happiness Spreader at ArtLifting, a socially conscious business that provides a marketplace for homeless and disabled artists to sell their artwork. Founded by Liz and her brother, Spencer in 2013, Art Lifting now has over 100 artists who provide incredible works of art. These artists are experiencing independence, receiving 55 % of the proceeds from the sale of their work. Seeing a person go from hopeless to hopeful is what Liz strives for each and everyday. A graduate of Harvard, Liz volunteered at local shelters throughout her college years and quickly realized that art therapy enabled this vulnerable population the chance to express their loss, their fears, their anger and their untapped talents. Says Liz: “I would just throw out art supplies on the table and if somebody was really stumped, I would just step back and say: paint hope.” And paint they did. What started out with a grant from Harvard is now a thriving business. The domino effect of empowering these artists is what brings this exceptional young woman her greatest joy. A picture on a wall purchased from www.artlifting.com
is more than a nice thing to do. It is a validation of someone’s talent and a tangible way to create
positive change. @bostonwomeninmediaandentertainment #storybehindhersuccess #16LifeLessons #mydoveproductions
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