019 | Liz Brunner - Podcast Interview
Meet an exceptional woman who believes that having the courage to try new things is the key to success. From Miss America pageant queen to high school music teacher, to TV reporter, to major market news anchor, to the CEO of Brunner Communications, Liz Brunner believes that we should always be looking out for the next big chapter in our lives. In this up close and personal interview, Liz shares how it was her mother, and her grandmothers who paved the way for her tenacity. She recalls what it was like to be on the air in Boston during 9/11, the four-year email writing effort that finally led to her interview with President Barrack Obama and the joy she gets from sharing her knowledge and expertise as an Executive Coach. Learn more at lizbrunner.com. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Tunein, Google Play Music, Spotify or on Candy's website candyoterry.com.

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