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Lisa Nickerson

064|Lisa Nickerson - Podcast Interview

Meet a woman who started showing the business community what she was made of in high school when she won her regional newspaper's Entrepreneur of the Year Award! Lisa Nickerson has been steadily climbing the ladder toward success ever since and is now the CEO and Founder of Nickerson PR and Nickerson Real Estate Partners. Recently recognized as one of Boston's most powerful women in real estate, Lisa is a big believer in philanthropy and serves on the boards of Boston Women in Media & Entertainment, Housing Families and the ULI Women's Leadership Initiative. Her incredible climb to the top has not been without obstacles and roadblocks. The mom of three teenagers, Lisa shares her devotion to not only mothering but mentoring her children. Her boundless energy and tireless work ethic have been both a blessing and a curse, and her wise advice to rising female entrepreneurs and executives is worth your download. @NickersonPR @NickersonRE #storybehindhersuccess #16LifeLessons #mydoveproductions

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