177 | Lily Isaacs of The Isaacs Podcast Interview
Our main goal, in everything we do, is to bring hope to a hopeless world. - Lily Isaacs
We’re on the road this week, just outside of Nashville, Tennessee for an interview with Lily Isaacs, co-founder & matriarch of The Isaacs, a multi-award-winning family group whose music is described as Southern Gospel, Country, and Americana. Born in Germany after World War II, Lily is the child of holocaust survivors. Her parents were Polish Jews and in this interview, she describes in detail how they were forced from their homes and into the streets at gunpoint by the Nazis. After spending time in the Warsaw ghetto, Lily’s parents were jammed with other terrified Jews into train cars and delivered to concentration camps where most were gassed and those who survived nearly starved to death. A proud immigrant to the United States, Lily grew up in the Bronx, New York where she loved to sing and was a bit of a hippy. She and her singing partner Marie were only 19 when they landed a recording contract with Columbia Records. After spending a summer performing in little clubs in Greenwich Village, she met a musician from Kentucky named Joe Isaacs and married him. Inspired by an experience in a little country church in Ohio, Lily converted to Christianity and was temporarily disowned by her heartbroken parents. Joe and Lily had 3 children and in this interview, Lily describes the incredible musical talents of Ben, Sonya & Becky. Formed 35 years ago and still going strong, The Isaacs family band continues to pack audiences worldwide with their own brand of deeply moving, faith-based music. For an inspiring story of faith, perseverance and success in the music business, hit that download button!

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