080|Joy Lim Nakrin - Podcast Interview
When the red light goes on and I’m on the air, I don’t think about the thousands of people who are watching me. I just try to connect with one person. -Joy Lim Nakrin
Words of wisdom from NBC 10 & NECN Boston news anchor Joy Lim Nakrin. She has spent much of her professional life in front of the camera, not just here in the United States, but on ESPN and MTV Asia and as the host of a reality show in Malaysia. Joy moved through television markets, most recently from Fox 25 in Hartford, Connecticut to Boston, and along the way, has been grateful for every opportunity she has had to learn her craft. The child of immigrants, Joy grew up in rural North Carolina and is of Chinese, Filipino and Jewish decent. When her relatives had a hard time understanding English, it was Joy who stepped in as their interpreter. Education was held in high regard in Joy’s home and she recalls getting punished if she didn’t get straight A’s in school. She began her college experience as a pre-med major, only to shift to philosophy when she realized she just couldn’t stand the sight of blood! Faced with what her next step in life would be, Joy applied to Duke University Law School and became one of college’s youngest graduates. That law degree has served Joy well, giving her an extra dose of confidence and legal knowledge when it comes to pointed questions. A passionate advocate for the Boston area’s Chinese and Filipino population, Joy volunteers her time on behalf of the Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center, is a spokesperson for the MSPCA’s Clear The Shelters Campaign and serves on the board of the Asian American Journalists Association of New England. @BWME #storybehindhersuccess #16LifeLessons #mydoveproductions

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