153| Francesca Federico - Podcast Interview
Sometimes the long way around is the short way around. I’m not somebody who takes short cuts.
-Francesca Federico
If you could use a strong, smart, savvy and young role model in the financial world, this episode is for you. Meet Francesca Federico, co-founder of Twelve Points Wealth Management www.twelvepointswealth.com where she helps families, individuals and especially women make smart financial decisions. “Money is emotional” says Francesca, and in this interview, she offers her thoughts and advice about how to empower yourself by protecting your financial future. But that’s not all this story is about. Francesca has an unstoppable work ethic, instilled in her by her half Irish, half Italian family heritage. She cherishes the powerful life lessons she learned from her immigrant grandparents and credits them for teaching her what it takes to be a true success story. In the words of her paternal grandfather, Palmiero Federico: “Itdoesn’t really matter what people think of you. You have to make them feel something about you.

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