227 | Francesca Amari Part 2: Cabaret Singer, francescaamari.com
I don’t need to be a big star. I don’t have to be defined by how much money I’m making. If I’m performing, that is success to me. - Francesca Amari
Welcome to part 2 of my conversation with uber-talented cabaret singer Francesca Amari. Recorded in my rental car, in the parking lot of a hotel beside a highway in Thousand Palms, California, this interview is full of wisdom for anyone with a dream. Francesca has been singing for decades and through it all, she has maintained a career as an entertainer on her own terms: “Your dream might need to include options and you might need to do other things that fuel your passion.” A lifelong fan of the music of Linda Ronstadt and the genius of Gilda Radner, Francesca has created tributes to both women that are instant sellouts. Her award-winning weekly live stream performance called Cocktails & Cabaret was launched in 2020 as a way to stay connected to her fans and is thriving 150 weeks later! www.francescaamari.com. In this interview, you’ll hear Francesca singing stunning harmonies with the Boogie Woogie Babie as well as clips from her favorite theatre performances, plus, she’ll explain her philosophy about sharing the stage with others and the key to her success which works no matter what you do for a living. Says Francesca: “Be authentic and real. Don’t try to make your life seem like what it’s not. Tell the truth.“

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