165| Emily Tamilio - Podcast Interview
Dig the well before you are thirsty. - Emily Tamilio
In the spotlight, a dynamic healthcare leader who is a champion for women’s health. Emily Tamilio is a registered nurse who is a member of the Beth Israel Lahey Health Women’s Leadership Council and Emerson Hospital Auxiliary. She has worked in leadership roles in health systems, start-ups and as a consultant, and is proud of her work for the the 131 year old Deaconess Abundant Life Committee’s leadership team. And there is so much more to this story. Raised outside of Boston in a strong Armenian family, bound together by the Armenian genocide, Emily often heard the stories both grandmothers told her about escaping their country to come to America. She learned at a very early age that life requires giant doses of courage. She is a mother and a breast cancer thriver who always sees the glass as hall full, choosing a heart full of gratitude that in turn feeds her persistence. No stranger to obstacles in her path, she tunes out negative talk, believing that fear is what stops us in our tracks. According to this exceptional woman, “fear is false evidence appearing real.” In this interview, Emily shares news about co-hosting her first podcast called“Bridgin” which will focus on fostering equity through connection. For a dose of positive energy you can use, just hit that download button.

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