072|Elizabeth Hopkins - Podcast Interview
You wake up, make your coffee, check your phone, and flip on the TV to catch the local news. You see gorgeous women and handsome men, telling you what’s happening in the world. But what is it REALLY like to be a news anchor? Meet Elizabeth Hopkins, news anchor for Boston 25 Morning News. The daughter of an educator and an NYPD police captain, Elizabeth thought she might like to follow in her father’s footsteps, imaging she might even become a police commissioner. But when she was presented with the opportunity to intern at a TV station, everything changed and she was bitten by the news bug. With stops in South Dakota, Rhode Island and Boston, Elizabeth has worked her way up the ladder from small to major market broadcaster. The life lessons she has learned along the way are what she values most, saying: “there is so much more of a powerful lesson to learn when things are NOT going your way.” Her parent’s wisdom and her husband’s devotion are what keep her going through a workday that begins with an alarm that goes off at midnight. For a dose of wisdom, faith, and good old- fashioned advice, download Elizabeth’s story today. We’re pretty sure you’ll be glad you did! @bostonwomeninmediaandentertainment

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