161| Dr. Tamika Jacques - Podcast Interview
Every child is unique and every child has a skill. It is up to us parents to guide them and be attentive to those skills. - Dr.Tamika Jacques
Meet Dr. Tamika Jacques, mother of three and workforce specialist with a doctorate in Educational Leadership Science. She’s the author of two groundbreaking books: A Brown Girls Guide to Employment & Networking, and her latest: A Brown Parents Guide to Preparing Our Children for Employment in the 21st Century. Using the many challenges she faced over the course of her own career, Tamika’s goal in writing the book has been to open up the conversation between parents and their children around recognizing and tapping into passions and interests sooner than later. A third-generation Cape Verdean-American from Bridgewater, MA., Tamika was prepared by her parents to deal with a world that would judge her by the color of her skin. In this interview, she offers tools and techniques to shepherd the next generation of brown children toward actively creating opportunities for themselves. Says Tamika: “Never let anyone put you in a box because of their own racial bias. Dream big. Be who you are, because that is when you are going to shine.” For a dose of parenting advice that will put your child on a pathway toward success, hit that download button.

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