024 | Dr. Myechia Minter-Jordan - Podcast Interview
The Dimock Center sits high on a hill in Roxbury, Massachusetts. Founded in 1862 as a place of hope, health and healing, the mission of Boston's second largest health center continues to this day. In fact, the Dimock Center is considered a national model of excellence, providing comprehensive health and human services to more than 17,000 men, women and children every year. In the spotlight, Dr. Myechia Minter-Jordan, the woman at the helm of The Dimock Center. A physician with a medical degree from Brown University and an MBA from Johns Hopkins, this President & CEO is a powerful and charismatic leader who was just named #17 on Boston Magazine's Top 100 Most Influential People list. For her daughters, and for women everywhere, Myechia is living proof that obstacles can be leaped over and that with hard work and dedication, dreams really do come true. #thestorybehindhersuccess #16LifeLessons candyoterry.com

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