180 | Donna DePrisco Interview
Jewelry is a symbol-an expression of our love for each other. Throughout my career as a jeweler, I have been blessed to witness this love every single day. -Donna DePrisco
Known as “Donna Diamonds” and “Boston’s Jeweler to the Stars” Donna DePrisco was born into the sparkling world of diamonds and gems. Her parents, Frank and Marie DePrisco opened the doors to their first showroom in Boston just after World War II and expanded to locations in Wellesley and Osterville as their reputation for treating customers like family continued to grow. Donna’s career path may surprise you and she tells her story in this up-close and personal interview, recorded in their Boston location inside the prestigious Jeweler’s Building with candor and humility. A classically trained pianist, Donna spent her early life in music and entertainment until it became “more jewelry and less show biz.” She’s a certified gemologist who has shared her knowledge as a diamond expert on radio and television and has been featured in magazines. Donna is also an expert witness in court cases involving diamonds and gems, and is an appraiser for the FBI. After decades of dedication as a member of the boards of Catholic Charities, the Boston Public Library and the Museum of Fine Arts, Donna was appointed by Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker to the elite Board of Humanities and Preservation of the Arts.

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