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Christy Cashman

245 | Christy Cashman: actress, author, The Truth About Horses

There are so many parts to us and writing this book is a big part of me. But there’s a lot more to do and it makes me excited about life and getting out of bed every morning. -Christy Cashman

Christy Cashman is an actress who has appeared in more than twenty movies including American Hustle, Joy, Ted 2, and Kettle of Fish. She’s written two children’s books, has her own production company, and is the founder of a teenage writing mentorship program called YouthINK The wife of Boston developer Jay Cashman, Christy is the mother of two sons. The family splits their time between three homes including a castle in Ireland. Fresh from her book tour with galpal Jane Seymour, Christy arrived ready to share the inspiration for The Truth About Horses including her complex characters, the creative process, and the stories of her life. Written in a gazebo at her home on Cape Cod, The Truth About Horses is a brilliantly crafted tale about a 14-year-old girl obsessed with horses and emotionally crushed by the death of her mother. Published by SPARKPRESS, the book is being celebrated worldwide for its unique relatability, whether you are a horse enthusiast or not. The 9th of 10 children, Christy spent the first seven years of her life on a poultry farm in Novelty, Ohio, and then moved to the mountains of North Carolina where horses became the focus of her life. In this interview, Christy describes her own mother and older sisters as her role models, sharing through tears “Ever since my Mom died, I have always felt like I was meeting special people she was sending my way.” Her mother’s wisdom about accomplishment is reflected in one of the most poignant moments of the book. “Oncedrams are reached, they are meant to turn to dust giving you a chance to dream again.” For a deep dive into the soul of an exceptional woman who can write, act, produce, and mentor the next generation, just hit that download button. #actress #novelist #thetruthabouthorses

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