202 | Christine Buckley - Executive Director, Brain Aneurysm Foundation
I look at everyone on my team as a colleague. We’re all women, we’re all tough and we care.
- Christine Buckley
If you’ve ever had a really bad headache, the worst kind of headache that keeps you up at night and just won’t quit, keep listening because this episode just might save your life. All too often, severe headaches for women between the ages of 35-60 are all too often explained away as stress or misdiagnosed as migraines when they could be a sign of a brain aneurysm. Meet Christine Buckley, Executive Director of the Brain Aneurysm Foundation: www.bafound.org. Originally a volunteer for the organization, Christine has been running the charity for 16 years with humility, purpose and passion. In this interview, she shares the Brain Aneurysm Foundation’s “Scan to Save” Campaign including the 5 warning signs of a brain aneurysm: severe localized headache, nausea/vomiting, stiff neck, drooping eyelid, sensitivity to light and confusion. For a tutorial on how to recognize and act quickly on these symptoms, along with the inspiring career of an exceptional woman who is devoted to the health and service of others, just hit that download button. #brainaneurysmfoundation #womeninhealthcare #storybehindhersuccess

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