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Christina Pavlina

265| Christina Pavlina: Co-founder & Executive Director of Jane Does Well

Jane Does Well organically became a group of women talking about divorce and supporting each other. -Christina Pavlina 

This week’s guest was nominated by listeners twice, thanks to the support and community she has created for women going through divorce.  Meet Christina Pavlina, co-founder & Executive Director of Jane Does Well, Whether it is your choice or not, divorce is a heartache.  If you’ve got children, the impact is even greater. Christina has walked this walk, and now she talks the talk.  Through hands-on, practical programming, this unique non-profit helps women get through the trauma of divorce.  Says Christina:  “I didn’t know how to navigate my own sense of loss, and at the same time, I didn’t know how to help my children.”  After I got through

my own divorce, I realized I could help others.”  The lessons she learned have been passed on to hundreds of women who have benefitted greatly from the services Jane Does Well provides. The organization has grown organically year after year and today, includes an ordained minister who experienced divorce herself, came to Jane Does Well for help, and is now the Director of Wellness and Trauma Programs.  Jane Anderson oversees 10-week support groups for everyone from young moms to senior citizens.  Christina explains:  “The best way to overcome the loneliness of divorce is to talk to women who get it.  Your family loves you.  Your friends love you, but they will not

understand what you are dealing with during and after divorce.  Jane Does Well fills that gap.”     #divorce #community#empowerment 

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