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Christina Horner

152| Christina Horner - Podcast Interview

Success for me is to make a positive impact on someone. If I’ve gotten someone to think about race, or racism, or oppression in a different way, and to come back to me and say“you were right” that’s success. - Christina Horner

Meet a woman who has spent her entire career in education dedicated to equity and social justice. Christina Horner is the Senior Associate for the Great Schools Partnership, a non-profit school support organization with a goal of redesigning public education and improving learning for all students. Also an educational consultant and an appointed member of the Racial Imbalance Advisory Council, Christina believes firmly:“It is a favor to society to give all kids what they are entitled to in terms of education.” A Boston College graduate with a Masters degree in Education from Lesley, Christina grew up in Roxbury and was bussed as part of the METCO program to the little town of Weston beginning in fifth grade. Her stories about what it was like to be educated in one of the most affluent towns in Massachusetts are equal parts good and bad, as she came of age in a school system where she was among a very small minority of African American students. Her decision to return to Weston early in her career as the school system’s METCO liaison is a reflection of her deep commitment to not only give back, but to make better. Christina and her husband decided that living in a town with an exceptional school system was their #1 priority, so they have raised their children in Wellesley, an equally homogenous, predominantly white community. Despite the obstacles they have faced, Christina credits her mother’s words of wisdom for keeping her positive and hopeful: “despite the messages you might hear from around you, they’re not true, and this is what you want to aspire to be.” #socialjustice #anti-racism #diversity

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