123|Amy Schmidt - Podcast Interview
Success for me is a journey - Amy Schmidt
As women age, we wonder: am I doing what I was meant to do? Am I running on all cylinders? Is this all there is? Amy Schmidt has been asking these kinds of questions of herself and others through her podcast series: Fearlessly Facing 50 and her new book: Cannonball: Fearlessly Facing Midlife And Beyond www.fearlesslyfacingfifty.com. In an easy, conversational style Amy shares her personal stories and those of many other women in an effort to inspire us all to make the biggest splash possible in our lives. Married for 27 years and the mother of three, Amy openly shares her life story in this interview including her aspirations to be “the next Joan Lunden” when she first got her start in broadcast news. Born and raised outside of Milwaukee, she was her parent’s “oops child” with 18 years between herself and her oldest sibling. The message for Amy was always positive: “live your dreams. You can do anything.“ It was her father who urged her to someday write a book and Cannonball: Fearlessly Facing Midlife And Beyond is that book, full of wit and wisdom for anyone north of 40. In a world where the exuberance of youth is celebrated, this exceptional woman is asking us all to look at the highlight reel of our lives and to celebrate not only our accomplishments, but our glorious next chapters. Amy’s advice to women facing 50 and beyond? “We judge ourselves too much. We get filled with these feelings of self-doubt and fear. I want women to close their eyes and reflect on what they’ve accomplished. Take a look at your own highlight reel, because we’ve all got one.” #midlife

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